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Large Commercial Buildings

Mortgage-Backed Securities Platform

Mortgaged-Backed Securities Platform Icon

The ESILAB Mortgage-Backed Securities Platform is an online subscription review platform designed to cater to the unique characteristics of residential and commercial mortgage-backed securities litigation – perhaps the most data-intensive of all "big-ticket" litigation. 


This application is available to attorneys, experts, and re-underwriting vendors alike and has been shown to provide a 65% increase in reviewer efficiency and a 90% increase in expert report data accuracy via the following functionality: 


  • Ingestion, extraction, and display of guidelines, loan files, supplemental documents, and loan tape data originating from litigants and third parties (e.g. due diligence vendors, etc.); 

  • Loan, breach, and rebuttal narrative generation and editing (including track changes); 

  • Hyperlinks to loan file documents, underwriting guidelines, and supplemental documents cited in breach narratives; 

  • Designation and tracking of correlated breaches; 

  • Loan and breach level materiality designation and analytics; 

  • Realtime damages calculations; 

  • On-the-fly structured query execution; 

  • Expert report publication in multiple formats (e.g. Excel, Word, and Portable Document Format); 

  • Guideline reconciliation; 

  • Citation reconciliation; and 

  • Metrics on lawyer, expert and vendor review efficiency and accuracy. 

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